Photographs courtesy of Toby Watt - lawyer, friend and photographer extraordinaire...


Welcome to IE-Vista

Dedicated to providing advice and support to users of IE7 and IE8


Welcome to Internet Explorer 8





Webslices are basically a new way of presenting RSS content.

When you subscribe to a Webslice an entry appears in the RSS pane and, just like RSS, IE8 will "discover" a Webslice, a user can "subscribe" to a Webslice, after which we are "notified" when a Webslice is updated and we can "preview" the content.


Webslices uses the RSS button on the IE8 Command Bar, which will change appearance if a Webslice is detected:

Standard RSS button....

A Webslice has been discovered....




Webslices are displayed in the same list as discovered RSS feeds.

If you choose to subscribe to a Webslice you will see this dialogue box:


Webslices will appear in your Favorites Bar:


And in your list of RSS Feed subscriptions:


AND, you can drag and drop the Webslice buttons....


If new content is detected, the title of the Webslice appears in a bold font - in this example, Tobias of me.dium has added new content.


The Webslice content as it appears on a web page is highighted on mouseover... note the Webslice icon.   Clicking on the Webslice icon triggers a subscribe prompt.


